Sunday, 14 June 2009

Robot Men

Yesterday the excellent Kat at "Keep The Coffee Coming" posted "Robot Man" by Jamie Horton:

This inspired me to dig out two other versions of the same song for your pleasure. The first is by Connie Francis. This was released in 1960 at the same time as the Jamie Horton version, and it was this version that was the hit in the UK - apologies for the sound quality, especially at the beginning. The second, and probably my favourite, is from 1983 and is by the all-female punk band The Gymslips.

"Robot Man" focuses on the perceived advantages of a relationship with a robot, but it is not all upside as Dee D Jackson points out in this philosophical treatise from 1978:


  1. Ernie,
    Thanks for these. I love listening to covers.

  2. Spooky - The Gymslips popped up on random play on my iPod today.
