Saturday, 4 June 2022

Sparrow Sings

Yesterday Sir Khayem of Dubhed treated us to a selection of Champion Doug Veitch tunes. One of them was a cover version of Mighty Sparrow's "Margarita", which prompted me to dig out the original.

Sparrow's version first appeared on his 1983 album "The Greatest". On the same album Sparrow, singing as The Queen, explains what actually happened when Michael Fagan evaded Buckingham Palace security and visited her bedroom the previous year. This being Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee weekend I felt it was appropriate to share it with you all.

"Margarita" - Mighty Sparrow

"Phillip My Dear" - Mighty Sparrow

1 comment:

  1. A superb set of songs there, Lord Ernie of Goggins. I knew the original of Margarita but not the album, so Philip My Dear was a real treat.
