Monday, 24 February 2025

The Wikki-Wookie Song

It is sometimes claimed that resistance is futile but that is not a charge you could level at Brother Resistance.

His Brotherness was a leading purveyor of the Trinidadian music style known as rapso, a combination of rap and soca pioneered in the 1970s by Lancelot Layne, Trinidad's equivalent of Gil Scott-Heron and The Last Poets.

Brother Resistance himself was active as a recording artist from 1981 to the mid 2000s, initially with the Network Rapso Riddim Band and then under his own name. He sadly passed away in 2021 aged only 66. Today's selection are the opening two tracks from his 1986 album "Rapso Take Over", the second being the dub version of the first.

"Star Warz Rapso" - Brother Resistance

"Rapso Space Dub" - Brother Resistance

The break-dancers among may have spotted that the title of this post is a very poor pun on "The Wikki-Wikki Song", the sub-title of Newcleus's 1983 smash "Jam On Revenge". Here are assorted young folks of the era doing their thing to it, followed by Brother and Band from around the same time.

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