Friday, 24 April 2009
Going Fishing
I am off to Spain to stay in the decaying villa of a down on his luck minor English aristocrat, so thought it appropriate to leave you with some music from Spain. But this is not Spanish music - Ruper Ordorika is a Basque and Joan Manuel Serrat a Catalan, and they sing in their respective languages. Here is one of each.
Ruper Ordorika - "Alberto Caeiroren Bizita"
Joan Manuel Serrat - "Els Falziots"
I have been to Spain a number of times before. But not everybody has:
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Birthday Bard
At this point I had hoped to revive the irregular "naff 1980s pop" slot with a clip of B A Robertson doing "To Be Or Not To Be", but sadly I couldn't find one. So here is David Essex with "A Winter's Tale", twinkling more than the lights on the Christmas tree:
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Friends of a Friend
After my recent post about Barry Marshall-Everitt, Mr F sent me a list of Barry's Facebook Friends - see the comments on:
David Olney is on that list. I once bought him a pint after a gig in London which I reckoned made me just about his best mate by Facebook standards. So I contacted him and he agreed. I have not exactly joined an exclusive club - there are 550 of us and rising - but I am proud to be there in between Monty Hobratschk and Sheila Hopkins Hoeppner*.
Monty and Sheila, while no doubt lovely people, are not names I recognise (and in Monty's case not a name I can spell). But there were plenty of others on there I had heard of and long admired. Here are two of them.
Vince Bell - "Best Is Yet To Come" (from "Texas Plates", 1999)
Kevin Montgomery - "Another Long Story" (from the album of the same name, 2000)
And here is a video of my mate Dave himself performing "Big Cadillac":
* The astute amongst you may have noticed that Goggins does not fit alphabetically between Hobratschk and Hoeppner and jumped to the wrong conclusion. To clarify - Ernie Goggins is my real name, but for Facebook purposes I use a ridiculous pseudonym to avoid being pestered by sad individuals wanting to be my friend on some flimsy pretext. Mr Olney might want to consider doing the same.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Today's post is brought to you by the Letter K
First up is some 1970s Korean pop from Kim Jung Mi. According to whatever blog I found this on originally - apologies to them for not giving them proper credit - the title translates in English as "Mi Ga Na Da Ka Ma Ba, My Loving Korean Alphabet". I say "English" is the loosest sense of the word.
Next is one of my favourite Afrikaans troubadours - there are several, honest - Mr Koos Kombuis. This is a rocking, reggae-tinged number called "'n Kaartjie van Koos", taken from an album he made with Valiant Swart (he is one of the other ones). The title translates as "A card from Koos", and it is an extended apology to a young lady of his acquaintance. I won't translate the much-repeated line "Ek weet ek was a doos" directly as the last word is a bit rude, but the gist of it is "I know I was an idiot".
And finally, some 1970s Swedish folk-rock from Kebnekajse. I don't know much about them other than that they were named after the highest mountain in Sweden. I found a "best of" compilation for a couple of pounds in a street market in London a few years ago, but all the liner notes were in Swedish. Anyway, this particular song is called "Rattvikarnas Ganglat" and features a lady gargling. That is what sold it to me.
How kontrived.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Van The Man Live!
It has been a few years since I have seen him and apparently in that time his performances had become a bit perfunctory. If that was the case it certainly didn't apply last night. He seems to have got his groove back. He even laughed at one point, which was a little unnerving.
One of the many highlights was "Queen of the Slipstream" from his "Poetic Champions Compose" LP. Here is a version by Son Seals:
That is from the appallingly titled "Vanthology", released in 2003. Fortunately the album is much better than the title, and takes the simple idea of getting some classic soul and blues singers into the studio to interpret Van. Generally it works very well and for me it was a real treat to hear some of my favourite singers - people like Otis Clay and William Bell - adding their great voices to songs by the man I consider the all-time number one.
The second selection from the album is Little Milton's version of "Tupelo Honey":
And finally here is the man himself performing "Sweet Thing" at the Hollywood Bowl version of the same show. His production company seem to have put the whole show up on YouTube but this is the only number that doesn't have an annoying "VM" logo superimposed over the action. Needless to say I'll be looking out for the DVD.
Friday, 17 April 2009
Tsonga Disco (3)
Exciting news on the Tsonga Disco front. My collection is about to double in size.
I have ordered two more CDs from the excellent South African online music store One World. There is a link to them in the right hand column and if you like the South African stuff I have posted up to now I would encourage you to investigate further. The postage costs are pretty steep - presumably because they don't feel able to entrust delivery to the South African postal service - but the CDs are very reasonably priced so the overall cost works out OK (at least from the UK with the current exchange rate).
I have ordered another Joe Shirimani CD and one by Thomas Chauke. Mr Chauke is apparently one of the biggest names in traditional Tsonga music, having recently released his 29th album. Whether traditional Tsonga music bears any resemblance to Tsonga Disco I don't know, but we'll find out soon. I will post some tracks from both CDs when they arrive.
But to keep you going in the meantime here is a track apiece from the two CDs I have already.
First is Joe Shirimani with "Marabastad 2". This album - Miyela - is available from One World.
And next is Madlaks with "Ndhlo Ndhlo" (and before you start bombarding me with e-mails on the subject, the answer is yes - this is the remix tagged on to the end of the album, not the original version. I'm surprised you need to ask)
As with my previous Tsonga Disco posts we finish with a Joe Shirimani video from YouTube. This one is "Ncomani". This appears to be the last of his videos on there, so we may need to think of something else for next time.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Shondells Soul And Soca
Having said that there were a fair few gems in Mary’s selection, and one song in particular stood out as being very catchy and naggingly familiar. After a few listens it eventually dawned on me that the reason it sounded familiar was because they had nicked the tune for the chorus from “Crimson and Clover” by Tommy James & The Shondells. And they even gave it a title that rhymed as a clue. So here is “Wine And Bend Over” by Ghetto Flex and Denise Belfon.
I have a few other Tommy James covers dotted around my collection. One of the better ones is this laid-back soulful remake of “Crystal Blue Persuasion” by The Kelly Brothers.
We'll leave you with a clip of Mr Flex and Ms Belfon wining and, in her case, bending over. If you have a nervous disposition you may want to skip the bit starting at 0:33.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Dizzy Dutchmen
The one exception is “A Matter Of Facts” by Dizzy Man’s Band, which was apparently a top five hit in 1971 in the Netherlands. It reminds me very much of “Vehicle” by The Ides of March, and they were clearly influenced by early Chicago and Blood, Sweat and Tears. Here it is.
I bought another of their singles at the same time - “Turkey Turkey” from 1975. It is a tribute to the country not the bird. It starts off quite promisingly with a slightly psychedelic Turkish sound, but then rapidly deteriorates with lines about how “swimming in the Bosphorus is smashing” and the joys of eating shish kebabs. If you don’t behave yourselves I will post it up here some time.
Judging by this clip of "The Opera" from the same year, the Dizzies deterioration continued unabated. How very sad.
Monday, 13 April 2009
There are many versions of this song. To any old hippies out there you probably think Traffic's version (the title track of their 1971 LP "John Barleycorn Must Die") is the bee's knees. But bees have room for many knees, such as Tim Van Eyken's version from 2006. Here they both are.
Of course if you want a song about the adverse effects of an excess of the juice of the barley you really need to look to the honky tonk singers. In my opinion there was none better than the late, great Gary Stewart. Here he is in the early 1970s with "Drinking Thing", being introduced by Charley Pride and a man with a beard (any ideas?)
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Triple Dose of Dion
I did think of saving this for his 70th birthday in July but then it occurred to me that: (a) that would require rather more planning than I'm capable of; (b) I can always post some more stuff on the day itself if we aren't all bored with 27 Leggies by then; and (c) thinking it matters suggests I am beginning to take my self-appointed role as taste-maker to the world rather too seriously [Note: one of the signs that people are taking themselves too seriously is when they start talking about themselves in the third person. Let me assure you now that Ernie Goggins will never do that.]
I can't really do justice to Dion's career, but a brief potted history reads something like:
- doo-wop with the Belmonts, releasing their first record in 1957. Already a heroin addict by this point;
- toured with Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper but decided not to get that plane;
- went solo in 1960 and had a few years of pop success;
- showed first signs of musical adventurousness by releasing a blues album in 1964, before things start to stall;
- gets clean and returns as a folkie in 1968 with the first recording of "Abraham, Martin & John", following this up with a series of excellent records through to the early 1970s;
- releases the Phil Spector-produced "Born to be with you" album in 1975;
- releases a series of Christian albums in the early 1980s;
- has a bit of a mainstream comeback with the excellent "Yo Frankie" in 1989, the same year in which he was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame;
- a bit of a gap until "Deja Nu" in 2000, and then a series of blues albums in recent years.
- "I Was Born To Cry", a minor US hit in 1962;
- "Gotta Get Up" from 1971's "Sanctuary" LP; and
- coming right up to date, "The Thunderer" from 2007's "Son Of Skip James" LP
If that whets your appetite there is an excellent 3-CD boxed set called "King Of The New York Streets", although I'm not sure if it is still available except through the likes of E-Bay. In addition most of his 1970s albums have been reissued in "two LPs on one CD" format by Ace Records. There is also an excellent DVD of the Great Man doing the hits and more live in Atlantic City in 2004.
Here he is in 1990 doing "The Wanderer", backed by Dave Edmunds and band. Fantastic.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
The End of February
Friday, 10 April 2009
A Little Bit Of Religion
I have always had a bit of a fondness for nuns - it is probably a combination of them being unattainable and a bit of a uniform fetish. But even I had never envisaged a lap-dancing nun.
This bad habit (ho! ho!) has occasionally got me in trouble. About twenty years ago me and the lads were on a tour of Italy. We arrived in Pisa to discover that the Pope - the proper one, not this one they have at the moment - was in town to do a gig that night. So we went along, of course. As you would expect the crowds were many rows deep and we didn’t have a great view as the Popemobile came down the road towards us. Behind us there were a gaggle of nuns who, being generally pretty short, could not see a thing. This didn’t seem right to me, what with him being their boss and everything, so I asked one of them if she wanted to sit on my shoulders. The next thing I knew I was being slapped and shouted at by her irate Mother Superior.
In hindsight I realise that my offer, although well-intentioned, was inappropriate. And it probably didn’t help that Conical and I looked like this:
Sadly I have no songs by nuns, so here instead are The Monks with “Cuckoo”:
And to finish off, here is a clip of The Singing Nun performing a 1980s disco remake of her big hit, “Dominique”. Which is just as bad as it sounds. And she’s not even wearing the uniform.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Ladies' Night 1979
From there it seemed a natural step to dig out "Danger Signs" by Penetration from the same year.
Of course prag VEC and Penetration weren't the only bands with female vocalists that were blazing new trails through the musical firmament in 1979:
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Borderline Barry is Back!
The good news is that Barry is back. The Fridge in Brixton is going to start promoting live music again for the first time in many years, and they have taken Barry on as head booker. The first gigs are expected in June or July, all being well.
To celebrate this good news I thought I would post something that reminded me of a memorable Borderline gig. The problem has been narrowing it down. There was Tom Russell (many times), Robbie Fulks, The Seeds, North Mississippi All Stars, The Creekdippers featuring Victoria Williams playing a banjo with a wah-wah pedal, Southern Culture on the Skids getting women on stage to throw fried chicken at the audience, and the time David Olney played for an audience that consisted of me, Mr F and the support act. And many more.
In the end I settled on The Holmes Brothers - probably the best bar band in the world - and their fantastic rendition of “Love Train”. The studio version doesn’t quite do it justice but is still pretty great.
And here is a clip of them doing Hank's "I Saw The Light":
Monday, 6 April 2009
Mpharanyana on Monday (10)
If you have missed any of the previous instalments and want to catch up I have put all ten tracks in a folder for you to save you having to rummage around:
Mpharanyana on Monday will be back later in the year.
* it is probably nearer to 275 if you take out the "visits" that are me checking in at work, but I count them on the grounds that, in a very real sense, we are all different people in our work and home environments (also it makes the total number of visits seem slightly less puny).
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Fela And Hugh
And here is one of Hugh's videos:
Saturday, 4 April 2009
From Norfolk to Nigeria
First up is Orlando Julius with "James Brown Ride On". This is from the album "Super Afro Soul".
Next is Geraldo Pino & The Heartbeats with "Let's Have A Party" from the album "Heavy Heavy Heavy". He was originally from Sierra Leone but moved to Port Harcourt in Nigeria in the 1960s and remained there until his death last year.
Both these albums are available to download on EMusic, and the Geraldo Pino one is also on iTunes.
Both Orlando Julius and Geraldo Pino were apparently early influences on Fela Kuti. Here is the man himself in concert. The clip is not the greatest quality but it is about the only one I could find.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Funky Norfolk
Anyway, first up is The 35th Street Gang with “I Was Born To Be A Drummer”:
And second up is the magnificently named Little Wink & Eddie’s 25th Century Gang with “Peacock”:
After strutting like a peacock, what could be more natural than waddling like a duck. Because that’s what you do when you do the Hucklebuck.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Capitalism Gone Mad