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Thursday 27 August 2009

Not So Modern Times

Like all other bloggers I am almost painfully hip, yet for some reason I have always had a soft spot for Al Stewart.

Here are two tracks from his 1975 album "Modern Times": "Not The One" and "The Dark And Rolling Sea".

The sound quality isn't perfect as they are ripped from my old vinyl copy. But if you are a UK reader and like them could I suggest you take yourself off to Amazon where you can currently get "Modern Times", "Oranges" and "Past, Present and Future" in a two-CD set for just £4.98 - what a bargain.

Here is a clip of Al in 1988 performing "Time Passages". I have always like this song but unfortunately whenever I get to the chorus I find myself singing "Pork Sausages" instead. I once tried to rewrite the entire song as a tribute to the humble banger, but it was beyond my humble lyrical gifts.


  1. hey ernie,

    you are not hip! not even close dude

  2. Jim

    I know. I have never written a song about sausages either. This whole thing is just a tissue of lies.


  3. Sorry to hear about your painful hip. Hope it gets better soon.

