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Thursday 31 December 2009

Hansi New Year

Personally I will be spending New Year's Eve in solitary contemplation of the ills of the world. But if you are intent on passing the time in a more frivolous way, what better to get you in the mood than some groovy German sounds.

Today's selections come from the punningly titled "In-Kraut" series of compilation CDs, which feature assorted Teutonic tunes from the 1960s and 1970s. There are three volumes and we are featuring one from each, though not necessarily in the right order.

"Marihuana Mantra" - Kuno & The Marihuana Brass

"Beach Bunny" - Frank & The Top Ten

"Black Night" - Hugo Strasser

Personally I think that version of "Black Night" is a considerable improvement on the original.

The Daddy of all German band leaders is of course James Last. Here he is with the gang in 1974 with their stomping version of "Live And Let Die". That's Benny Bendorff on vocals and bass guitar, fact fans.

Bonus clip: Following today's news that Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt have each been awarded an O.B.E. (Order of the British Empire) for services to advanced chord structures, here is the mighty Quo.

Happy New Year

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