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Monday, 27 March 2023

Brazilian Belters

Some vintage garage sounds from Brazil to kick off the week. Both can be found on the four volume "Brazilian Nuggets: Back From The Jungle" series (Volumes 1 and 3 respectively) compiled by the excellent Groovie Records of Lisbon. You can find all four volumes on their Bandcamp page along with a lot of other interesting looking things.

"Vou-Lhe Contar" - WanderlĂ©ia

"Cascata Do Ano" - Angel Santos

I could not find any videos of Brazilian garage bands on YouTube, but Eartha Kitt introducing Sergio Mendes more than makes up for that. Look out for the giant earrings and the cool dude with the shaker.


  1. These are great! I'm wondering if Vou-Lhe Contar translates as Pushin' Too Hard?
    Eartha and those ballsy earrings are a visual treat too.

    1. I will defer to George on Portuguese translation, but according to Google Translate it means "I'll Tell You". But as you have spotted there is certainly a strong resemblance between this and the old standard by The Seeds. Not sure whether it is a cover version or they have just ripped it off. Either way it works.

  2. That's a belt(er) and braces example of Brazilian brilliance there, Ernie, love them both. And I've loved Eartha Kitt since I first saw as Catwoman to Adam West's Batman on TV as a kid. Even she had her work cut out to upstage those earrings though.
