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Friday, 17 January 2025

Happy Birthday Sweet 16

It is a momentous day here in Leggies Land. It is our 16th birthday and we are celebrating in style -  some themed tunes and the first song that we ever played. That song also gave the blog its name. With hindsight we should have started with something less stupid.

"I'm Sixteen / Chnam Oun Dop Pram Mouy" - Cambodian Space Project

"Sixteen" - Iggy Pop

"Sixteen" - Winnetka Bowling League

"Sixteen Tons Of Pressure" - O.B.F. & Charlie P

"They'm" - Rainbow Ffolly

The first video goes out especially to a Mr John Medd of Nottingham. He is welcome to lay claim to the others as well if he wants to, although he may prefer not to.


  1. Happy 16th
    You can now leave school, join the army and get married!

  2. There are just far too few blogs posting the great poptunes of Mr Sedaka. Well done! The second-best song you put up today.

  3. A very happy 16th birthday and congrats to 27 Leggies - and I always wondered where the name came from, mystery solved, thank you!
