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Friday, 28 February 2025

Missing In Action

I am not going to around here much between now and mid-April. I would not want you worrying so I thought I should mention it now.

The reason is because I won't be in the UK much. I fly off tomorrow afternoon for a work trip to Mumbai after which my schedule goes: a side trip to Udaipur in Rajasthan to see the sights, home for two days, work trip to Brussels, home for four days, a visit to Cape Town to see Mother Goggins and other family members, home for three days, one more work trip - this one to the bleak, desolate island of Mauritius - before finally coming home for a lie-down.

I'll try to do an occasional post while I'm home doing my laundry and changing my socks but just in case I don't manage it I thought I would prepare a mini version of my tour for you covering all the stops. So we have a song about Mumbai (Mr Dixit himself is from Mysore) followed by musicians from Rajasthan, Brussels, Cape Town and Mauritius.

I'll be seeing Khateÿm live while I am in Brussels as a sort of phonetic warm-up for seeing Khayem while I am in Bristol later in the year. They are teaming up with an outfit called Mange Ferraille for an evening of metal drone bouzouki music. That's far too mainstream for some of you hipsters I expect, but I'm not afraid to be naff.

The only aspect of the grand tour that I wasn't looking forward was the amount of flying - it involves six flights of 10-12 hours duration - but then I remembered the wise words of Chris Farlowe. Air travel is thing of the day!

"Hari Om Shiva Song" - Dewara Family

"Soukout" - Khateÿm

"Woza" - Louis Moholo-Moholo's Viva La Black 

"Eliza" - Georgie Joe

"Air Travel" - Chris Farlowe

Maybe one day they'll make a movie of my adventures.


  1. Proof if proof were needed that Ernesto really is our own International Man of Mystery.


    1. If I was a real man of mystery I wouldn't share my detailed itinerary would I? Unless it is all "enn aran rouz" (as Google Translate claims they say in Mauritian Creole).

  2. Have a fab trip, Ernie and hope the flying isn't too arduous. Look forward to some pics on your return.

  3. Mid-April!?! How are we supposed to manage that long?

    Oh, and your complex itinerary alibi doesn't fool me. If someone's hired you to take out an orange dictator, please don't miss.

  4. Yep, this long itinerary is a cover for something far more International Man Of Mystery-ish. Hope it's successful and don't lose your passport.
