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Friday 28 June 2024

Conventional Thinking

I had not been planning to post again this week but I had such a good time in Newcastle with the proprietors of Charity Chic Music, What's It All About?, Sun Dried Sparrows and Are We There Yet? plus assorted partners that I thought I should thank them all at the first opportunity. Classy and cultured people every one of them.

On the subject of culture we visited the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art while in the area (Newcastle, not the Baltic). It was a bit of a mixed bag but there were some exhibits that caught my eye. Like this one.

The piece is called 'Aspiration 2' and it is by George Ginnis, a new name to me. According to the artist's blurb in the exhibition catalogue: "The dichotomy of the dog and owner being both absent and present prompts reflection on the persistence of the class system that still lurks behind displays of brash materialism".

Now I'm just a simple country lad so I don't know about all of that but I would be interested in the thoughts of our artistic readers (and the rest of you philistines of course).

We'll finish with a few pieces of music that will help me recall the visit when I hear them in the future. For Ms Ross's interpretation of the Nick Lowe classic please replace "when" with "in the hopefully unlikely event that".

"Battlefield" - Diana Ross

"Tube Disaster" - Flux Of Pink Indians


  1. Sadly nothing there by the Jersey Boys

    1. Someone is asking £21.50 for that album on eBay. You should have bought it while you had the chance:

    2. We clearly missed a trick there!

  2. Although I preferred the FoPI track I'll probably be singing (or warbling) to the David Cassidy song throughout the day whilst I work

    1. That would definitely be less alarming for the animals

  3. My favourite piece of art - and artist's statement - by far (although its £32k price tag is a bit steep) Looking out for more work by Mr Ginnis now - the name does seem kinda familiar.

    1. Thanks. Good to have the opinion of someone with a proper understanding or art. Agree with you about the price tag.

  4. An interesting piece of art from George G so thanks for sharing it again. A lot of thought went into it obviously.

    And, David Cassidy with How Can I Be Sure - be still my beating heart.

  5. I like the art and the statement. Unusual perspectives are always good.

  6. I saw some photos somewhere recently of Flux Of Pink Indians playing live, can't remember where it was now

    1. Can't help I'm afraid. Reliable sources tell me there was a one-off reunion gig in 2007 but none since, so that narrows it down to some time in the period 1980 to 2007.
