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Monday 31 May 2021

That Was The Kit

It was my second gig of the year yesterday - This Is The Kit, promoting their fine 2020 album "Off Off On". For obvious reasons this was the first chance they have had to do so.

I have had the pleasure of seeing various line-ups of the Kits in various venues over the last ten years or so, including one that was just Kate and a newly recruited guitarist in a room out the back of our local vegan cafe (at that point Kate was not a big enough name to get a booking in the actual cafe itself). This was the first time I have seen them with a horn section but it works really well with the newer material.

Here are a couple of oldies but goodies. I will dedicate "Silver John" to my friend John who accompanied me last night and also to the vegan cafe, but I will let each of you decide who you want to dedicate "The Turnip" to.

"Silver John" - This Is The Kit

"The Turnip" - This Is The Kit