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Friday 26 July 2024

Squirrel's Sisters

Some of the cool kids like Spence and Charity Chic have been banging on about Squirrel Flower recently, and rightly so. But what they, and you, may not know is that she has two equally talented siblings who are also active in the music scene - Doom and Tomato.

Sceptics might say the 'facts' show that Doom and Tomato Flower are female-fronted bands from Chicago and Baltimore respectively and not Squirrel's sisters. But we know better than to fall for that.

The sisters seem to alternate their recording schedules, Doom having released albums in 2021 and 2023, Tomato in 2022 and this year. Perhaps they are taking turns to care for elderly members of the Flower family. Whatever the reason, here are a couple of tunes from each of them in chronological order.

"Shoot The Plan" - Doom Flower

"Red Machine" - Tomato Flower

"Candle Habit" - Doom Flower

"Harlequin" - Tomato Flower

From the Flower Sisters to the Poppy Family, introduced by The Dude from The Big Lebowski Kenny Rogers.  


  1. I've played the Mr and Mrs Jacks song before the other Flower tracks. And I ask myself.......will it be bettered by the other two Flower bands

  2. ..and now I can't get Seasons In The Sun out of my head

    1. Does that imply it wasn't bettered? Or have you not got to the Flower Sisters yet?

    2. I quite looked the Doom Flower tracks, but it's poppies for me

  3. Several things to say here. Your first sentence was all I needed really - I've screenshotted it and sent it to my oh so cynical family to let them know that some worthy people think I'm still cutting edge and vital - I'll be dining out on that for years so thank you for that.

    The Doom Flowers are the true siblings to Squirrel whereas Tomato is clearly trying to muscle in on the Flower franchise.

    As for Terry and Susan, I note that sadly they didn't survive as a couple beyond 1973. Seasons in the Sun was a hit the following year, a song I've denigrated mercilessly down the years only to now discover that it's a 1961 Jaques Brel song with re-written lyrics by Rod McKuen. Cue a hasty Stalinist style review!!!

    1. I'm not sure 'Seasons in the Sun' deserves the full Stalinist treatment. My view would be that Terry and Rod have not served Jacques well on this occasion but that does not diminish his greatness.

      As for doubts about you being cutting edge, if any member of your family raises them again let me know and I will go round and sort them out.

  4. I loved all of the music here but was morbidly fascinated by The Poppy Family clip for several reasons:
    1) I don't think I've ever seen Terry Jacks before, but there was a lot going on with his hair and sideburns, wasn't there?
    2) Susan Jacks boots were fantastic and I now want a pair
    3) The mind boggles as to why the set was dressed like the deck of a ship at sea
    4) Judging by Kenny's stance on the stairs, I think he may have overstarched his jeans

    Great value as always, Ernie!
